1101-115 Fulford-Ganges Rd. Salt Spring Island
Clients First and Foremost

Salt Spring Island Market

Salt Spring Island Market

A world-class market at your doorstep!

Each Saturday residents and visitors alike venture down to Centennial Park at harbour's edge to enjoy the colors and flavors of more than 100 artisans of all types and ages. Many of these potters, jewelers, fiber artists and other creative folks are the same who contribute towards Salt Spring's international reputation for being home to the greatest collection of artists in Canada.

Since its origins as a local Gulf Island farmer's market, the Market has grown to near-bursting capacity. There is something here for everyone.

The market is made up of local artists, farmers, and food vendors who have all 'made it, baked it, or grown it' themselves. This simple policy requirement is the essence of the market. Market visitors are treated to local food, music and crafts, stemming from Salt Spring's unique brand of 'island ingenuity'.

Carefully hand picked in the early morning from local fields and gardens Salt Spring's market produce is always at its best.

Salt Spring Island Market

Plan a picnic lunch in the park using the freshest tomatoes, radishes, garlic, lettuce, and more. Just add a loaf of home-baked bread, some local sheep or goat's cheese, home made jam or jelly and you're all set to spend the day at the beach or at your own Salt Spring dining table with a view.

The market is just one more reason to make Salt Spring Island your home!

To see more please visit the official Salt Spring Market web site.
Photos and text used by special arrangement with saltspringmarket.com